Wool Carpets

 Wool Carpets

The wool fiber production process consists of The Natural Elements… Sun, Rain, Grass and Sheep. No artificial ingredients needed, no artificial ingredients added.

Wool carpets clean better, making stain protection unnecessary. It is naturally stain and soil resistant fibre which is also more crush resistant than man made fibre carpets.

Naturally Insulative - the properties of wool will help keep your home cool in summer and warm in winter.

Sustainable - An environmentally sound product, wool is produced from a totally renewable resource – grass – that is shorn from Sheep every 9 – 12 months. It is also naturally flame retardant because of its high protein content. If ignited, wool only burns weakly, limiting the spread of the flame.

Improves Air Quality - Wool carpet naturally improves the indoor air quality of your home. It stabilizes relative humidity by absorbing or releasing moisture during periods of high or low atmospheric humidity. If well maintained, it absorbs and neutralizes airborne particles and fumes.

Proven - Wool has been used in carpet for centuries. Its unique natural properties have seen it stand the test of time as the premier flooring fiber.
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